Pay it Forward
Helping the Disadvantaged
Play to their Potential
As you would appreciate, it does take quite a bit of effort to research for a conversation, conduct the interview, edit it, break it into nuggets, cross-reference it and share it with you. We pour a significant amount of time, thought, heart and resources into this podcast which remains free and ad free. If you are deriving value from the podcast and want to support it, could I request you to share your gratitude by paying it forward towards an organization that I work with closely – Antarang Foundation. They are helping 1000s of young adults in India play to their unique potential by helping bridge the gaping divide between education and employment.
Deepak Jayaraman has had an opportunity to witness the work and the impact. The editors at the Play to Potential Podcast (Akash Deore and Arman Bansod) are alumni of Antarang Foundation. They came in with no prior background in editing but through curiosity and will-power, have taught themselves to edit the podcast and are arguably one of the leading Podcast editors in the country.
To know more about Antarang foundation please visit

Assessing Magnitude
The Employability Problem
Almost half of the students in Indian schools do not graduate 10th grade; 93% of school dropouts end up working in the unorganized sector at low wages and with no real hope for career progression. 84% of young Indians are unemployable due to a gap between their educational choices, aspirations, aptitudes, and industry expectations.
This statistic is a cause for concern not just for these individuals but for us as a society. It does not take a rocket scientist to draw the linkage between large scale unemployment of millions and other trends such as crime, violence and social unrest.
Problem Stat 1
Problem Stat 2
Problem Stat 3
Problem Stat 4
About the Foundation
Antarang Foundation and what it does

Mission: CareerAware
CareerAware emphasizes the importance of completing 10th and 12th standard and helps students explore and understand the career paths suited to them after identifying their skills and interests.

Mission: CareerReady
CareeReady teaches core employability skills that help these youth understand what is expected of them in a structured workplace. Upon completion of the program, students are connected to job opportunities in their area of interest and then are paired with a mentor who will guide them until they are settled in their job.
And the impact?
We're in it for real, grassroot level impact.

CareerAware has helped
75,000+ Students

CareerReady has trained
6,500+ Youth
Deepak's Quote
"Lorem Ipsum Dorem Silor Amet"
We support Antarang
Deepak Jayaraman works closely as an Advisor with Priya Agrawal (Founder - Antarang Foundation) and her leadership team through Social Venture Partners. He has had an opportunity to witness the work and the impact. The editors at the Play to Potential Podcast (Akash Deore and Arman Bansod) are alumni of Antarang Foundation. They came in with no prior background in editing but through curiosity and will-power, have taught themselves to edit the podcast and are arguably one of the leading Podcast editors in the country.
and so can you!
Here is a noble way to do the same!
Hire from the Antarang Foundation
You could hire young talented individuals (who have been hired by organizations like Taj, UBS, SVP etc.) from the Antarang Foundation. I firmly believe that talent is evenly distributed but opportunity is not. Some of these individuals (like the editors at the podcast) could do wonders if given the right opportunity and the right climate to flourish in your organization. If you are interested, please reach out as soon as you can by emailing to with your open positions’ details.
Beneficiaries Speak
We are truly grateful for the kind words our podcast guests have shared about their experience on the show. Thank you for your support and for helping us continue to grow and improve.