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4 - Validating the vantage point - David Noble & Carol Kauffman on Real-time Leadership
Carol and David speak about Validating the vantage point that a leader has. They speak about the various elements of a vantage point – resolution, level of detail , biases, near term vs long term and more.
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Carol and David speak about their M.O.V.E framework; M – Mindful, O – Options Generating, V – Validating the Vantage Point, E – Engage and effect change. The key, they say, borrowing from Viktor Frankl, is to create the space between stimulus and response.
Carol and David speak about 3 different dimensions of Mindfulness that leaders need in every context. They suggest that we are attuned to what is going on around us, inside us, and with others, and respond in an agile and an appropriate manner.
Carol and David speak about how we can adopt multiple approaches to a situation. They borrow from the notion of fight, flight, fright or befriend and talk about the different approaches leaders could take to a situation – Lean in, Lean back, Don’t lean at all and Lean with.
Carol and David speak about Validating the vantage point that a leader has. They speak about the various elements of a vantage point – resolution, level of detail , biases, near term vs long term and more.
Carol and David speak about how leaders who inherit a new context (external candidates or even internally promoted individuals) need to tune into the vantage point based on various priorities and preferences people in the ecosystem (within the company or outside) might have.
Carol and David speak about how leaders can engage and effect change once they have been mindful across 3 dimensions, have generated adequate options and have validated the vantage point. This where the rubber hits the road. They speak about how leaders can get the intent across in these situations.
Carol and David speak about how one could apply the MOVE framework in the context of Coaching. Carol speaks about how sometimes we can get sucked into the energy of the client and sometimes that can be counter-productive. David speaks about how as a Coach, he tries to generate many options to a certain situation and iterate their way forward.